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Cohorting applies to groups up to 50 members (including coaches) where physical distancing is NOT maintained and athletes are NOT masked. This applies to most team sports including pairs/team figure skating, hockey and ringette where athletes are required to stay within one cohort. For example, athletes are not allowed to participate in pairs figure skating (cohort) and ringette (cohort) at the same time. The athletes assume the risk within one cohort and stay within this cohort only to limit the risk of spreading COVID-19. To change cohorts, athletes must self-isolate for 14 days before entering a new cohort. 

Cohorting does not apply to many individual sports where physical distance IS maintained. Non-cohorted sports includes figure skating (individual) and power skating where the focus is on individual skills, physical interactions between athletes is not required/expected, and physical distancing is maintained throughout training sessions.

Athletes are able to participate in non-cohorted activities in addition to one cohorted activity. This means an athlete can participate in power skating (non-cohort) and hockey (cohort) at the same time. 



Government of Alberta: Guidance for Cohorts: 

Government of Alberta: Guidance for Sport, Physical Activity and Recreation Stage 2




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